Saturday, October 31, 2015


When my little sister heard about this adventure we had embarked on she suggested Shari's. I grew up going to Shari's (it's like an Applebee's type diner). I hadn't even thought about it in regards to Oreo shakes, but sure enough they had one! and they even have delicious Pie shake! (which we didn't rate...but we will!)

When we were in Oregon visiting my family for Christmas we took my little sister and headed over to Shari's to continue our quest. Because, after all, there's never any reason not to quest!

We sat down and ordered the Oreo shake.

In addition we got the S'more Pie Shake. Although it's not really an Oreo shake it was super tasty, and I would highly recommend it and any other of their pie shakes. Maybe in my next life I'll go on a pie shake quest.

Back to the Oreo shake...

When they brought it out I was impressed.

It was in a tall glass with the extra in it's metal mixing cup. With the whipped cream it easily scored a 4 in the presentation area.

The price was pretty reasonable for what you got. A lot of shake! The shake itself was pretty big but combined with its sidekick in a metal cup I would recommend sharing it! It received a 3.5.

The taste was amazing! It was Oreo through and through. It scored a perfect 5.

As for texture, It left a lot to be wanted. If you're looking for a shake you can drink this is a good choice, but it wasn't the thick, chunky shake I was looking for. It only scored a 2 for texture.

The scoring goes as follows:

Presentation - 4
Price - 3.5
Taste - 5
Texture - 2
Overall it was:

Check out our full list to see where this sits on the list of all the Oreo shakes we've had.

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