Sunday, November 22, 2015

Best Burger

So remember how we went to Nielsen's Frozen Custard the other day? Well we didn't know they served food so we decided to eat at Best Burger and try their Oreo shake as well.  When we drove up to the drive thru we saw they had shakes and malts so we decided to get one of each. Yep! I know what you are thinking, three shakes in one day??  GROSS.  You guys must be gluttons. Except we didn't eat all three shakes.  Hel-lo!  That's a lot of shake.  We ate a reasonable amount and then put them in the freezer.  Now we can have Oreo shakes for the next three days!  Genius, I know.

Anywho we each got a burger and split some fries.  Let me tell you, the food was pretty delicious.  I can't honestly say it was the best burger I've ever had (mostly because I haven't tried every burger on the planet) but it was really yummy.  I would definitely go back.  Also the fries were good and the fry sauce may be the best I have ever had.  (Yes, I am from Utah and yes, I do love fry sauce.)

On to the shake and malt review!
When we got the shake and the malt they looked the EXACT same.  And *spoiler alert* they tasted the EXACT same.  The only difference was the price because whatever malt is, it costs more.

So for presentation it wasn't anything special, in fact it was kind of boring, not even piled up nice over the rim or anything.  We gave them both a 2.5

Texture was just okay.  We probably could have drunk it through a straw.  We gave them both 2.5 also.

The price actually wasn't too bad.  The shake was $3.35 and the malt was $3.65.  We gave the shake price a score of 4 and the malt a score of 3.5.

The taste was where they did the best.  There weren't really any Oreo chunks, but it had Oreos well blended all the way through.  We gave them a 4 (they tasted the same too, remember?)

Here is the rundown and the final tally:

                        Shake                  Malt
Presentation -      2.5                      2.5
Price -                   4                        3.5
Taste -                   4                         4
Texture -              2.5                      2.5
Overall -             3.25                   3.125

 We scratched an 's' into the shake so we could tell the difference between the shake and the malt.

Check out our full list to see where these shakes sits on the list of all the Oreo shakes we've had.

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