Saturday, February 13, 2016


This was a
suggestion from my good friend Brad amongst others. Most weren't sure if it was Rippley's or Ripples, but it ended up being the later. It was definitely a place that went to the top of our list. We love mom and pop hole in the wall type places!

When we walked up we saw this--->

Seriously, it was the most amazing thing ever! There in the window was this glorious advertisement for Martial Art's, "Master Wohlwend's Martial Arts" to be exact. I don't know if you can read the caption on the bottom, but it says, "Come Fly With Master Wohlwend." This combined with the picture of him jumping a motorcycle with a flying kick made the ad the most intense flyer we had ever seen! Also, after looking him up on his website, not only does he have multiple black belts (how and why is that possible?) but he studied under Chuck Norris!!!! I want to some day be that winning at life!

We collected ourselves and ordered our food with the Oreo shake and sat down to enjoy.

I can't remember what we ate, but here's what we remember of the shake.

It was a pretty solid shake. I don't think it was
overpriced or terrible tasting, but we do remember that it wasn't so great on the texture. It was pretty watery and we figured it was because of the low quality soft serve I think they made it with. Here's the final scoring broken down.

Presentation - 3
Price - 3
Taste - 3
Texture - 2
Overall - 2.75

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