Sunday, January 17, 2016

Black Bear Diner

So, we planned a trip out to Orem/Provo the other day. Among other things we were gonna go to Zeek's with my brother and his wife! We were pretty exited! My sister-in-law Renee works there and had been wanting us to try their Oreo pie shake. (Brian also suggested going there too).

To our dismay Renee found out shortly before we were gonna go that they were closed. I guess they've been remodeling and it's taking longer than they planned... So we decided to take our quest elsewhere and settled on going to Black Bear Diner because they had a location in Orem!

They've been on our list for months, but we didn't realize they had a diner in Orem, so off we went. We got there before my brother and his wife so we got a table while we waited. They gave us some menus, which were pretty fun because they looked like old timey newspapers on the outside, but on the inside the had all the menu info. Which was good because Naomi's dad said he wanted us to bring back a menu for him and I thought we'd hafta steal a fancy one...

Brice and Renee were caught in traffic, so it took them a little longer to get there so, we decided to  order their Oreo shake...         As an appetizer...                     Cause we're adults...

The happy couple showed up, so we sat down to order. They serve breakfast all day so naturally me and Naomi had breakfast for diner. I got the Eggs Benedict with bacon and avocado and it was super good. They have pretty good hollandaise sauce which is a big plus!

Brice and Renee ordered a chocolate Oreo shake with their meal. Which was actually just them asking our server if he could make them a shake that's just their Oreo and chocolate shakes.
Back to the shake though... Opposite of California Burgers and Deli we got our shake first by itself, so we had some time to critically, you know, rate it.

Here's our take on the shake:

To start off the milkshake had the best presentation to date! It made a lot of other shakes look bad with its fancy glass, whipped cream, cherry-on-top, crush Oreos, and chocolate syrup. The bar is pretty high now. Because the presentation exceeded our wildest expectations we decided to give it a 5.5 out of 5! You heard us right, better than full marks!

We had to ask about price, because it wasn't even on their menu. For some reason they decided not to put any desserts on their menu... They just had a little blurb about how they have desserts... Anyways it was $4.99 for the shake, so a little on the pricy side. That being said it was pretty big and actually had quite a bit of shake in the leftover shake cup which is customary at fancy establishments. It ended up with a 3 out of 5.

Taste was pretty good. Evenly mixed and Oreo-y throughout. It had a fairly good Oreo flavor, but because it was kinda watery we gave it a 4.

Lastly is texture. The shake didn't fare so well in this category. Opposite of Jack in the Box it was too thin to eat with a spoon. Luckily we also got straws. Which wasn't the case for Brice and Renee who had to ask because the just got a spoon... The shake didn't have a great consistency either so it ended up with a 2.

the shakes total score came out to be:

Presentation - 5.5

Price - 3

Taste - 4

Texture - 2

Overall - 3.625

Make sure to find out where Black Bear's Oreo shake falls in the list, and let us know if you've been to this fine establishments various locations throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Utah.

Comment and let us know!

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