Tuesday, January 12, 2016

California Burgers and Deli

Ever since we moved to this part of town we wanted to stop by California Burgers and Deli. Not only for their Oreo shake because it's a somewhat random combination of a burger place and a deli. Two things that I like, but I've never seen them both together ...

This unlikely pairing was summed up in the California Burger. A hamburger with bacon and pastrami. Naturally both me and my wife ordered one. On top of that we ordered fries and their Oreo shake.

 We saw something that we had to get! An Oreo churro! We've heard rumors and have been wanting to try one for a log time now, but this is the first place we found that has em! The were pretty expensive at $2 a pop but we couldn't resist, it was worth a try!

We were the only ones at the Burger Joint/Deli but it was pretty understandable because it was before 5 ... Which is even early by our standard. But when I have to work at 7am and we end up eating breakfast at 6:30am it bumps up all of our meals ...

After we ordered our food and sat down they brought it out to us. That's true that there weren't
any other customers to attend to, but it made us feel important and it was a nice touch! They did however bring everything out except for our shake. Which was interesting because it's usually the first thing done. We figured they may just be waiting to give it to us at the end.

We started off with the signature burgers, and boy were they good. I'm sure it helped that we were super hungry, but the combination of bacon and pastrami was super good! It was kinda messy, but totally worth it! In addition their fry sauce is out of this world. Even for Naomi whose lived in Utah most her life around fry sauce it was good! Their fries were also pretty good too. Not to crispy, overdone, or undercooked.

As for the Oreo churro it was super good. It came with its own dip which was straight up just cream filling! The churros was super good and with the cream dip it was amazing! We had some left over cream dip, so we mixed it into the shake. It didn't really mix easily but it was super good. Even with how good it was, I don't think it was worth the two bucks we spent for one churro. It was definitely worth a try but that's about it. Which is probably good because with it being so close to our house we would probably go there and get Oreo churros every day ...

Now that I've spent 6 paragraphs on the restaurant, I should probably mention the Oreo shake ...

To start off with Price, we were way surprised to see it was only $3 for their shakes. Even more so when we saw how big it was. It was definitely the cheapest shake we've seen in a while! We gave it a perfect 5 out of 5.

Presentation was definitely nothing to be impressed by. It was in a cup ... with a lip ... and that's about it. The cup didn't even have a generic design or advertise for Coke. It got a 1.

Texture did better. Slightly better. It got a 1.5 because it was pretty watery and thin. It was definitely made to drink through a straw (like those super thin ones for coffee or hot chocolate). I think the soft serve base really killed the texture ....

Taste was a similar story with the watery-ness of the shake making it vaguely taste like Oreos. It could have been worse though. It received a 2.5 out of 5.

All in all I would recommend going there, just not to get their shake. I would definitely eat there again, but that's the first and last time we get their Oreo shake.

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