Monday, October 1, 2012


Hey guys,

So, we have almost 60 shake reviews we still need to blog about. We're gonna try our hardest to put blog posts up for all of them in a timely manner, but you'll hafta be patient with us as we do.

Don't worry though. We'll still be writing blog post for new shakes we're reviewing.

That's where you can help! We need suggestions of places to go and shakes to try. Email us at, or comment saying "Try out [insert shake place here]!", and we'll head over there and let you know what we think. Seriously you make or break this quest!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

How it all began ...

You may be thinking to yourself, "#oreoshakequest ? What is this awesomeness and how on Earth was this conceived?!?"

Well, let me tell you a tale ... one of geniuses, onion rings and quests for the coveted 5 stars of food ...

When my youngest brother was 15 year old he had an amazing idea - a quest! - for the most delicious onion rings in all the land.  (Genius, I know!)  He enjoyed taking my mother to various locations around town, eating onion rings to their hearts' content.

Some time later I was at a friend's house.  Being hungry, we decided to get some food from a local eatery (one JCW's).  I happened to order an Oreo shake.

It was AMAZING!!

Being the foodie that I am I thought to myself, "Self, how can I have more ice cream shakes in my life?"  Then like a bolt of lightning striking the clock tower I had an idea! I should try a bunch of shakes and see what place has the best ones.

After making this important life decision, I promptly told my (at the time fiance) about it.  We went to a local burger place and promptly ordered Oreo shakes.

This was turning out to be a most delicious past time.

As time went on we would mention to friends and family what we were doing and they often had suggestions of places we could get shakes.  Some of them have been pretty standard (hamburger joints), some quirky (a little 50s style drugstore) and some downright unorthodox (the local hospital).  We soon realized that this wasn't just a past time, this was a life long quest.  A quest for the best Oreo shake!

So now we want to share our experiences with the world.  

We will be posting about our #oreoshakequest adventures, giving our "scientifically" based results with side commentary on the venue, food and general ambiance.

We currently live in Utah so our posts will be discussing Oreo shakes here in Utah.  We occasionally go on vacation and will blog about those as #oreosidequests .  If we happen to win the lottery (even though we don't gamble) or someone wants to sponsor us (Nabisco?) we will take our quest nationwide.

But for now, it's just Utah.

*disclaimer* - Nabisco, unfortunately does not sponsor us nor do they know anything about us.  However, if they choose to sponsor us by giving us free Oreos we will certainly not turn them down.