Q. Why Oreo?
A. Why not?

Q.  But seriously, why Oreo?
A.  Seriously, I picked Oreo because most places that have shakes will have Oreo.  In my professional experience places tend to have chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and Oreo.  I feel that you can only get so many variations on the standard chocolate or vanilla and at times the strawberry shakes can be so fake with strawberry syrup that it isn't even worth eating it.  (I am looking at you Ripple's.)
Oreo shakes can be so multidimensional.  The taste of the ice cream itself.  The size of the Oreo pieces.  The blend from top to bottom.  The thickness of the shake.  The Oreo-ness of the flavor, etc.

Q. Does this mean some places get overlooked because they don't carry Oreo shakes?
A. Yes!  take that In-n-Out.

Q. What is the judging criteria each shake must undergo?
A. We go by the acronym PPTT, or TPTP or TTPP - Price, presentation, taste and texture.  Like I said, Oreo shakes are so multidimensional that you can't just give it an overall number and call it good.  You have to use science (and math) to back it all up.
They're all out of 5.
We average all these scores together (math!) to get the all-around score.
Pretty scientifical if you ask me.

Q. You say your results are "scientific".  How scientific are they really?
A. I cannot confirm or deny the scientificalness of the results, however they are accurate within one or two percentage points of accuracy.

Q. That didn't really answer my question.
A. Let me answer your question with a question: Many hand soap companies say that their soap kills 99.99% of germs.  How scientifical is that?

Q. What?
A. Exactly!  Our results are 99.99% accurate.

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