
To attempt to organize our scattered ratings we have put everything into a Google spreadsheet and organized them in neat little rows.

To start off, I thought I'd give you a little idea I thought I'd explain our ratings a little bit more. Although as my wife says, "Our results are 99.99% accurate." They are judged by human beings, and because of that there will always be some bias.

The most "scientifical" of the four point scale I would say is price. This is hard because all shakes are NOT the same size. We try to get comparable sizes, but as you can see, some places like Holiday only have one size. So a good portion of this is our own judgment as to the overall value, for the quantity of shake.

When it comes to presentation a lot of what goes into the score is subjective, but if you've gotten shake from different places you see the differences. A lot of them are your pretty standard "shake in a cup", and there's nothing wrong with that! When all is said and done you are putting it in your mouth. Some restaurants however have a wow factor associated with the first impression by putting a proverbial cherry on top (or actual one in some cases). There can be fancy glass cups, wipped cream, or crushed Oreos on top.

 With taste it is an Oreo shake after all, so it should taste like one! If you want a shake that tastes like vanilla ice-cream, then order a vanilla shake! Even with this straightforward approach there are some shakes that stray from the traditional Oreo taste like the Oreo Malt at Baskin Robbins that has a pretty strong chocolaty flavor. In addition we still count Cookies and Cream shakes. Just because they're not name brand doesn't mean they're not worth it.

Lastly, texture is, in my opinion where we are the most bias. Some people like shakes they can drink with a straw, but not so with us. Me and my wife are looking for chunky, think shakes. So, keep that in mind with our score in that section.

In the spreadsheet you can compare and adjust the columns of shake places depending on how you want to order them. Just click on the blue arrows on the first row and you can sort from A to Z (locations and names). or in the case of ratings Z to A to put the best ratings on the top. We've listed the overall ratings too, but if you want the best tasting Oreo shake you can organize it in that order. Same goes with texture, price and presentation.

I know you're probably wondering why some of the Oreo shake joints are missing some or most of their ratings for taste, texture, price and presentation. Well before we got scientific with this quest we just gave the shakes we'd have and overall score. Like my wife has so wonderfully put it, "Oreo shakes can be so multidimensional.  The taste of the ice cream itself.  The size of the Oreo pieces.  The blend from top to bottom.  The thickness of the shake.  The Oreo-ness of the flavor, etc." Soon after embarking on this lifetime pursuit, we realized our follies and changed our ways to be more "scientifical".

Also, when places have multiple different kinds of Oreo shakes (like Rita's or Baskin Robbins) we just put the name of the shake in parenthesis after the name of the place.

The locations are where we went to get these shakes. This does not mean however that this is the only location of the shop in all cases. Yes, many places are stand-alone, but many have multiple locations. There's places like Big Daddy's, and Iceberg that have places throughout Utah, and there's national and world-wide chains like McDonalds and Burger King. Comment and let us know if other locations are better or worse.

Here's "The Big List" of Oreo shakes:

The Big List

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