Sunday, April 17, 2016

Atlantis Burger

We were on our way back to Salt Lake from Centerville running some errands and we decided to pick up an Oreo shake...because...shake! We looked at our list to find where the closest place was. We settled on Atlantis Burger in North Salt Lake.They're a pretty small chain with a couple of restaurants here in Utah.

We figured we've been to Apollo Burger and their shake was pretty good, so maybe there's something with the greek/roman names for burger joints that's workin' for em. Next stop Olympus Burger!

We pulled up and got an Oreo shake at the drive through. It was totally worth it. Sometimes you don't need a reason.

The shake wasn't very impressive to look at. I've definitely seen worse, but I've also seen better. Although it was pretty average it did have a nice logo and design on the cup, instead of the generic Coca-Cola cups. You can't really see the top with its lid, but they didn't go through any extra effort in the making of this shake. We gave it a 3.

The rest of the shake seemed to fall in line with its presentation. Not exceptional, but it made a great treat on a hot day!

Taste was alright with a 3. It was mixed pretty thoroughly and had a nice Oreoy flavor. That being said, I could have had quite a bit more Oreo and less vanilla flavor though.

As for price, it was pretty decent with a nice sized shake coming out at $4.25. it was also a pretty middle-of-the-line milkshake giving it a 3.

Texture was pretty good. It was kinda melty (mostly because it was kinda warm). There weren't huge chucks but it was pretty thick and definitely couldn't have been drunk. We gave it a 4.

Presentation - 3
Price - 3
Taste - 3
Texture - 4
Overall - 3.25