Saturday, June 25, 2016

Hook and Ladder

So, we had a free Saturday before our move down south, so we decided to have lunch at one of the shake places on our long list of shakes we still need to try (30 places). We decided to go to the closest to us Hook and Ladder. We had never really heard of it, so we didn't really know what to expect. It was somewhat off the main streets in the Glendale area. It took us a little bit to find it, but boy were we happy when we did! It was just what we were looking for! A mom and pop, hole-in-the wall kinda place.

We pulled up and saw a hearse parked just next to the place, so we knew something had to be up. Complete with a random coin operated Bert and Ernie Firetruck ride thing. You know, like the kind that you used to see at grocery stores and stuff...

Also, there were some sweet arcade games randomly next to the counter. They even had an old timey firetruck! They were super on theme, and they weren't messin' around!

Anyways, I guess I should talk about their food...

We were pretty happy 'cause we mostly wanted greasy burgers... They had a pretty big menu so it took a little while for us to decide what we wanted with our Oreo shake though...

I settled on the double cheeseburger and my wife chose the big bacon burger, so we thought it'd be a good choice to share fries with that much food. Which was good, because after we went to the counter and were ordering we saw that they had churro sundaes!! They were only a couple bucks so we added that to the order, because after we're adults and... ice cream.

The shake and ice cream came out and we took a seat out front. Why do they always tempt us with dessert first? I know that it doesn't take as long to make, but it makes being a responsible adult hard...

Anyways, the shake was good. It did melt fast but it was a hot summer day outside in the sun so I can't really blame it. Not that I would, I mean, it is a milkshake...

Before I get on to the shake I wanted to make a shout out to our food. It was great! The fries were nice and big, the burgers were nice and juicy, and the churro sundae... words can't even describe. Two of my favorite things are churros and ice cream, so putting them together just about blew my mind.

So, to start with Presentation at first look the shake was...okay. But with the whipped cream it was a little nicer still in the generic Coke cup, but better than the norm. We gave it a 4 out of 5 because of its above average attention to detail.

As for Price it got a 4.5 because of the great deal. It was a pretty good sized shake too. And with the large coming in just over three bucks it was totally worth it. Together we were only able to finish half of it. But that was mostly because we both ordered pretty sizable burgers and a sundae. It think it someone puts their mind to it they can finish the whole thing, just don't order a sundae too.

To continue with Taste it was pretty good. A good, solid, Oreo shake. The chunks did help too. It wasn't as rich as we've had, but lately it's definitely been the best. It was also Oreo throughout the whole thing! Take notes "Steak and Shake". It got a 3.5.

Lastly we come to Texture. It was definitely a "spoon" shake. I guess you could've gotten most of it with a straw, but it wouldn't be easy. It did somewhat toe the line when it came to being a super thick shake. But if you're lookin' for a thick shake that's not DQ "hold upside down" thick this is the one. We gave it a 4.5.

For those of you not doing the math that puts us at:

Presentation - 4
Price - 4.5
Taste - 3.5
Texture - 4.5

Giving it an overall score of - 4.125

Not bad. It's in a 3-way tie for 6th place (and that's out of 71). As a side note the customer serive was great. The guy with dreads that took our order was great!

Don't forget to comment about this fine establishment, or others that we need to visit. As well, make sure to visit our list of Oreo shakes we've had (and some we haven't...yet).