Friday, May 27, 2016


So the other day we got a flyer in the mail for a used car dealership. It had a little scratch-off part that would say if you were a winner or not. So, Naomi scratched it off and it said "Winner". There were prizes ranging from gift cards to Target and movie theater, playstations and apple watches so we were pretty exited about being winners! We called the place because you had to go to their tent sale to collect your prize. For some reason we had to set an appointment so we went one sunny afternoon.
As a side note we realized that the flyer didn't say what we won... But we figured anything free is worth getting.
So, we went and it turned out that our prize was a $15 gift card to the movies. Although not at all what we had unrealistically anticipated it was an excuse to get a sitter and go to a free movie. Also, with $5 Tuesdays we could probably buy a snack!
Long-story-short, we now found ourselves at the Valley Fair mall in the afternoon. So, we decided we should quest. We looked up if there were any shake places around that we hadn't gone to yet, and saw that there was a Smashburger! We've already visited the establishment, but we went so long ago that we simply gave it a 3 out of 5.
We figured we needed to update the score so we drove over to get an Oreo shake.
As a side note it was super hard to drive there. Although it was literally across the parking lot, there was a car show set up right next to it... Although it was pretty cool to see the classic cars through the window as we ate though!

Also the shake was pretty good too...

To start out with the presentation, it was amazing! Definitely one of the best! Although it was in a fast-food joint it was restaurant quality with the fancy glass. It had whipped cream and a crushed Oreo sprinkled on the top. It was almost perfect. It just needed a cherry on top. But that doesn't happen very often... We all know the one time it did at Black Bear Diner. it got a 5.5 for presentation, so without the cherry it still got a 5 out of 5.
As for taste it left more to be expected. It had a pretty strong vanilla ice-cream flavor with not very much Oreo taste. We still ended up giving it a 2.5.
Texture was pretty good for a shake made to sip through a straw. There were some good chunks and I'll say some of them were too big for the straw we got. I'm glad the also gave us a spoon with it.It ended up with at 3 out of 5.
Price was pretty decent for what you got. At just over four dollars it seemed pretty reasonable for how fancy it was. Plus like restaurants they gave you a big metal cup full of the rest on the side. I was glad I wasn't just treating myself. It's great for two. We gave it a 3.5. If you're looking for a reasonably priced classy shake stop by Smashburger.
The shake scored half a point higher the second go around, so it just goes to show that the scientific way is the only way...

Presentation - 5
Price - 3.5
Taste - 2.5
Texture - 3

Overall - 3.5