Thursday, July 7, 2016


So a while back, Naomi had the desire to get into sewing. The only problem is sewing machines are crazy expensive, and we didn't want to drop tons of money for something that's purpose was pretty simple. On the flip side we didn't want to get a cheap plastic machine that would add to the already frustrating with task of sewing!

The problem was solved! Well, it was on its way... My grandma gave Naomi a sewing machine. She collects them from yard sales and fixes them up. The one she gave Naomi is a super old Singer from the 1950's. The awesome thing about it, besides being free, is that it's built to last. Seriously it probably weighs more than I do. It wasn't in perfect condition so we brought it to Jack in Sandy to fix it up. He was a nice old man, and after we dropped it off we saw Britton's and decided to go there. We figured we might as well check if they had Oreo shakes and lo and behold they did!

It was super busy for a random afternoon, it seemed like it was the old timey Sandy hot spot. It's an old fashioned diner. Think Applebees. But, cooler and The sat us down and gave us menus. They told us they served breakfast all day so naturally we ordered breakfast. "Why would anyone ever eat anything besides breakfast food?" We're not as hard core as Leslie or Ron, but when given the choice, why not?

I ordered a plate of their eggs benedict. It wasn't amazing, but the hollandaise sauce was pretty good. But I digress,

The shake was beautiful. we gave it a 5 out of 5 for Presentation.

As for Taste it scored a 4.5.

Texture was mediocre with a 3 out of 5.

And Price was a 4. It was pretty good for what you got.

Presentation - 5

Price - 4

Taste - 4.5

Texture - 3

Overall - 4.125

I have to admit, I don't remember a lot of the details, and only remember things here and there, but it's scored really well, and you should consider stopping by Britton's if your in Sandy. Also make sure to comment and let us know what you think!

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