Thursday, December 31, 2015


We figured we could incorporate the quest to our vacation to Oregon. My parents asked us where we wanted to eat for the lunch after the wedding and we subtly suggested Fuddruckers so we could try their Oreo shake. I had only been a couple of times growing up, We only went there for special occasions and stuff, and what's more special than my brothers wedding and Christmas!! 

Fuddruckers has always boasted "The World's Greatest Hamburgers" and while that might not be true (they do have good burgers though) I like that they have lots of different kinds of burgers (IE: ostrich burgers, buffalo burgers) even through I usually just stick with the standard cheeseburger. I also like their "toppings bar" where you just add however many pickles, tomatoes or whatever you want to your burger. They also have a bunch of condiment despensors where you can put on as much ketchup, barbeque sauce or honey mustard you want on your burger and fries. 

But we all know the real reason why you're reading this. To find out how their Oreo shake was! We were pretty exited because not only were they supposed to have "the wold's best hamburgers" but they also advertised "the worlds best shakes"! We had to find out it it was true!

The price was decent for what you got. It was pretty big and came with the extra shake in a metal cup! I don't recommend trying to finish it yourself, but with company it's just right! We were kinda surprised too because the food was kinda on the pricy side... It ended up with a 3 out of 5.

The presentation was pretty great. A 5 for the whipped cream and literal cherry on top. Naomi let me eat it and it was great! They had a pretty fancy glass too!

Taste was pretty good too. It was mixed pretty well and had plenty of flavor. it got a 4.

Texture was less than satisfactory earning it a 2.5. It was definitely made to be drunk. With the straw it was pretty obvious, but I would've liked a few more chunks.

All together it wasn't amazing and "the world's best shake" but it'd recommend it.

The totals came out to be:

Presentation - 5
Price - 3
Taste - 4
Texture - 3.625

Friday, December 18, 2015

Arctic Circle

Arctic Circle was one of our first stops on this shake filled journey. We mostly thought of it because of the constant ads (or circulars, as my wife would say). Don't get me wrong I love a dicounted shake and cheap ranch burgers as much as the other guy, but it was just about weekly when we lived down in Provo. But, can you blame em? They know their audience ...

Their food seems to be kind of a side note to their desserts. But, with a name like Arctic Circle it's kinda a given. So, suffice it to say, the bar was pretty high. Sorry to give it away, but they met those high expectations with the best Oreo shake from a major chain we've had so far.

We had never really eaten at Arctic Circle before, so we didn't really know what to expect. The food was surprisingly good for how cheap it was (it did help that we had some coupons). 

Much like the pictures the shake looked pretty good. Covered in Oreo pieces with the signature "above the rim" style in lived up to it's own hype. As far as chain burger places go this was the best lookin' shake giving it a 4.5.

Even without our buy one get one free coupon the shake was pretty decently priced. The shake wasn't too big for one person, but still gave you plenty to enjoy with or without a meal. It got a 4.

Taste wasn't as good with a 3.5. It wasn't Oreo-y enough for my liking. After we got though the top and the big Oreo chunks were got we were left with an "okay" Oreo shake.

 Texture hit it out of the ballpark. Just like the people you see on the ads holding the shake upside down it was thick and too much for any straw to handle. In addition to the big chunks on the top there were pieces throughout the shake landing it a 5 out of 5.

The total is:

Presentation - 4.5
Price - 4
Taste - 3.5
Texture - 5
Overall - 4.25

Check out our full list to see
where this shake sits on the list
of all the Oreo shakes we've had.

Monday, December 14, 2015


My company flew us out to Mandalay Bay on the strip in Vegas this weekend! Naomi's parents were super happy to take our 2 month old for the weekend too! We had a good time in all. The hotel room at Mandalay Bay was sweet.  It had an indoor aquarium and resort complete with palm trees and everything. Here's the view out of our window!

We rented a car (we got a Fiat). My wife loves Fiats (probably more than she should). She used to live by a Fiat factory in Italy and would see them all the time. We drove over to the M&M store and mall. After we parked we planned out where we should go for dinner. We settled on Fatburger this diner type burger place a little ways up the strip.
Much like Vegas, it was pretty crowded.

Their menu's a little different in that you only have one burger to choose from. You choose the size, what you want on it and with it. You could have the standard ketchup or BBQ sauce or even steak sauce on it. We got a couple of burgers, some onion rings and their Oreo cookies and cream shake. We were pretty exited with their international footprint in places like Beijing and Calgary so they had to be good! 

As a side note they seemed super helpful and
offered to get us some extra sauce, but it turns out 
that they confused their BBQ sauce with steak sauce ... 
On top of that I asked for some BBQ sauce and they didn't even bring it ...

The food was ... okay. The onion rings had pretty small pieces of onion in them and ended up being mostly batter. I got a large Fatburger and it was pretty good, but the patty fell apart while I was eating it! I understand when you have to worry about stuff falling out of your burger, but you shouldn't hafta worry about the meat and bread falling apart when you eat it. (Side note: their burgers go up to a pound and a half, so if you're really hungry this is the place.) Also, if money is no object then you can order anything; this place was kinda spendy. (But for being on the Strip in Las Vegas it is understandable.)

So turning our attention to the milkshake.

For presentation, it did pretty well. They asked us if we wanted it with whipped cream. Apparently some people don't like  whipped cream. It came in a fancy-ish cup too so that was pretty cool. For that we gave it a 4 out of 5.
The price was less than satisfactory. It was 5 bucks for a shake, and it wasn't even that big ... I can see this at like a sit down restaurant for a shake in a fancy glass cup, but this shake was nothing to write home about so it scored a 1.5 because after all it is Vegas and everything seems to be crazy expensive ...

Taste was pretty good. As evidenced by it's darker color it was Oreo all the way through. It way pretty good, especially with the whipped cream so we gave it a 4.5.

Texture was alright. It was an interesting shake in the fact that it was intended to be eaten through a straw, but still had some large pieces of Oreo. That was cool, until you realize that the pieces get stuck and make it hard to get any shake ... It got a 2.5 out of 5.

The final score for Fatburger was:

Presentation - 4
Price - 1.5
Taste - 4.5
Texture - 2.5
Overall - 3.125

Check out our full list to see where this shake sits on the list of all the Oreo shakes we've had.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


I've only been to Leatherby's once or twice. I think it was in college to make a late night ice cream run. It was good, kinda pricy, but good. We were looking up places with shakes and Leatherby's came up and I thought to myself "Self, I bet they have an Oreo milkshakes." And, they did!

Like the rest of the menu the Oreo shake wasn't cheap. But, it was huge!! I'm glad me and my wife
decided to split it because I don't know if we could've finished it on our own with the food. Because the amount seemed to put it in an ... okay ... standing with value, price ended up being 2 out of 5. Just make sure you understand what you're ordering. It may be a lot, but sometime that's just right!

The presentation was pretty nice. It had a fancy glass so that's always a plus. But, I think there's definitely some room for improvement with it's lake of whipped cream, cherry-on-top or Oreo crumbs ...
Just sayin' ... anyways it scored a 3 for presentation.

Taste also ended up with a 3 out of 5. It was pretty Oreo-y
but still tasted somewhat of its base of vanilla ice-cream.

Texture was pretty low with a 1.5. It was definitely made to sip.
It was well blended, but so well blended there wasn't really any
indication with the texture that you were eating an Oreo shake.

To summerize it was an alright shake not amazing ... but i mean, it's an Oreo shake ...

Presentation - 3
Price - 2
Taste - 3
Texture - 1.5
Overall - 2.375

Check out our full list to see where this shake sits on the list of all the Oreo shakes we've had.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hire's Big H

Some time ago we found ourselves in Salt Lake City around lunch time.  Actually we were in Salt Lake for a very exciting purpose.  We had an appointment with the doctor because we were having a baby! (We've already had that adorable bundle of joy btw. It has taken me this long to write this post. Also, our baby will assist us in this quest as she gets older of course.) Anywho, we figured we should get some lunch and a shake before the appointment.

We decided to go to Hire's Big H.  Hire's has a old fashioned atmosphere and boy, was that place hoppin'! We ordered some burgers, fries and a shake then sat down to wait. While we were waiting I enjoyed reading about their history and food reviews on the back of their menu.

When the shake came it was a good-sized shake with a bit of whipped cream on the top.  Whipped cream for the win!  We gave it a 3 out of 5 for presentation.  The shake was on the expensive side (about $5) so we gave that a 3 out of 5 as well.  The texture was better.  Pretty thick with some chunks.  4 out of 5.  The taste however was AMAZING!  It was very Oreo-y and sweet.  We had to give it a 5 out of 5.

The grand total ended up being 3.75.  It was an okay shake all around but not the best.

Final tally:
Presentation - 3
Price - 3
Taste - 5
Texture - 4
Total - 3.75

Check out our full list 
to see where this shake sits 
on the list of all 
the Oreo shakes we've had.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


We stopped by the local eatery Tonyburgers to try their Oreo shake after we found out they had one on their menu. The place was pretty busy and I'd compare it to a Five Guys or SmashBurger with it's clean but welcoming ambiance. They stuck with the standard red color scheme too.

The food was pretty good, but one of the first things we noticed after we sat down with our meal was the great lengths they go to to make their french fries. There was like 10 steps including frying it ... twice! Nonetheless, the fries were okay. Their "secret" recipe didn't seem to make a difference ...

But, I digress ...                                                on to the shake.

It was pretty impressive on the presentation side with its whipped cream and straw. It may not have been the most beautiful shake around, but we gave it a 4.

As for price it left us... (well, lets just say, less than satisfied). It was pretty expensive for not a lot of shake. That seemed to be the same story for the rest of the food there, a little too rich for my blood. It only scored a 2 for price.

Texture was also a sad story of sorts with the final tally at 2.5 out of 5. It was definitely made to drink through a straw (hence the straw). There was a definite lack of chunks too. But, that being said, it was still worth a taste.

Taste was much better, earning them a 4 out of 5 in our eyes. Even without the chunks it had a good Oreo flavor throughout the shake.

The final score was ...

Presentation - 4
Price - 2
Taste - 4
Texture - 2.5
Overall - 3.125

Check out our full list to see where this shake sits on the list of all the Oreo shakes we've had.