Friday, December 18, 2015

Arctic Circle

Arctic Circle was one of our first stops on this shake filled journey. We mostly thought of it because of the constant ads (or circulars, as my wife would say). Don't get me wrong I love a dicounted shake and cheap ranch burgers as much as the other guy, but it was just about weekly when we lived down in Provo. But, can you blame em? They know their audience ...

Their food seems to be kind of a side note to their desserts. But, with a name like Arctic Circle it's kinda a given. So, suffice it to say, the bar was pretty high. Sorry to give it away, but they met those high expectations with the best Oreo shake from a major chain we've had so far.

We had never really eaten at Arctic Circle before, so we didn't really know what to expect. The food was surprisingly good for how cheap it was (it did help that we had some coupons). 

Much like the pictures the shake looked pretty good. Covered in Oreo pieces with the signature "above the rim" style in lived up to it's own hype. As far as chain burger places go this was the best lookin' shake giving it a 4.5.

Even without our buy one get one free coupon the shake was pretty decently priced. The shake wasn't too big for one person, but still gave you plenty to enjoy with or without a meal. It got a 4.

Taste wasn't as good with a 3.5. It wasn't Oreo-y enough for my liking. After we got though the top and the big Oreo chunks were got we were left with an "okay" Oreo shake.

 Texture hit it out of the ballpark. Just like the people you see on the ads holding the shake upside down it was thick and too much for any straw to handle. In addition to the big chunks on the top there were pieces throughout the shake landing it a 5 out of 5.

The total is:

Presentation - 4.5
Price - 4
Taste - 3.5
Texture - 5
Overall - 4.25

Check out our full list to see
where this shake sits on the list
of all the Oreo shakes we've had.

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