Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hire's Big H

Some time ago we found ourselves in Salt Lake City around lunch time.  Actually we were in Salt Lake for a very exciting purpose.  We had an appointment with the doctor because we were having a baby! (We've already had that adorable bundle of joy btw. It has taken me this long to write this post. Also, our baby will assist us in this quest as she gets older of course.) Anywho, we figured we should get some lunch and a shake before the appointment.

We decided to go to Hire's Big H.  Hire's has a old fashioned atmosphere and boy, was that place hoppin'! We ordered some burgers, fries and a shake then sat down to wait. While we were waiting I enjoyed reading about their history and food reviews on the back of their menu.

When the shake came it was a good-sized shake with a bit of whipped cream on the top.  Whipped cream for the win!  We gave it a 3 out of 5 for presentation.  The shake was on the expensive side (about $5) so we gave that a 3 out of 5 as well.  The texture was better.  Pretty thick with some chunks.  4 out of 5.  The taste however was AMAZING!  It was very Oreo-y and sweet.  We had to give it a 5 out of 5.

The grand total ended up being 3.75.  It was an okay shake all around but not the best.

Final tally:
Presentation - 3
Price - 3
Taste - 5
Texture - 4
Total - 3.75

Check out our full list 
to see where this shake sits 
on the list of all 
the Oreo shakes we've had.

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