Sunday, January 31, 2016

S.O.S. Drug Store

We make a habit of asking pretty much anyone who will listen where the best shakes around are if we  happen to tell them about our quest. One of these people was my roommate Jordan. He suggested this hole-in-the wall pharmacy. Yeah you heard me right pharmacy... We had to check it out.

In the midst of downtown Springville, nestled in between a couple other stores was S.O.S Drug Store. But seriously, we almost missed it, it was so inconspicuous...

This place was awesome. I almost want to move to Springville just to give me an excuse to frequent this place. It had an awesome old-timey feel complete with swivel bar stools at a 50's-esque counter. It was strait out of a period film with it's Coca Cola memorabilia and old photographs.

They didn't have Oreo, but we figured cookies and cream was close enough. Some times the name brand isn't all that important.

The shake was nothing special in the presentation arena. It didn't even have a fancy-ish cup. Although it's not pictured here (I just found a picture of a shake from S.O.S) it looks pretty much the same. Because of this it scored a 2.5.

Texture wasn't amazing but it was a thin spoon shake. Probably too much for a straw, but it still wasn't anything impressive. It got a 3.5.

Taste was better landing it with a 4. I'd definitely chalk it up to using cookies and cream ice cream rather than vanilla. Just sayin'...

But the price knocked all the other shakes out of the water! At $2.25 it was definitely worth it. It was an averaged sized shake, and I can't remember, but I don't think it came in different sizes. Naturally it scored a 5.5. If you want the best bang for your buck, this is the place!

Let us know if there are any other pharmacies or gas stations that have awesome Oreo shakes. Also, check out our master list and reorganize the columns for price, or whatever category and see what's near you.

Presentation - 2.5
Price - 5.5
Taste - 4
Texture - 3.5
Overall - 3.875

Friday, January 29, 2016

Baskin Robbins

On this quest double feature we're putting Baskin Robbins' Oreo shakes up to the test. When we first stepped inside we had no idea there where more than one to choose from. But naturally, we had to get them both!

(Also as a side note if you didn't realize it, there's a pink 31 in the "BR"!!! Seriously though, for the longest time I wondered why they changed their logo to a two-toned odd looking "BR". Then I saw their advertisement for the 31 below shakes and my mind was blown. They used the same font as the pink 31 and I made the connection! So now I tell everyone of my newly found knowledge of "the secret of the Baskin Robbins logo" and I feel pretty smart. It's the little things in life..."

So, they have two Oreo branded shakes. Their Oreo cookies and cream shake, and their Oreo malt. I have to admit I was kinda exited!

First off we have the Oreo Shake. Unlike this nice picture from the web it was pretty average. It did have a nice looking cup and didn't look like a ghetto soda like some... It ended up with a 3.

Texture was... not great. It was good if you're lookin' for a straw shake, but if you're looking for a thick, chunky shake keep moving... We gave it a 2.

It also got a 2 for price. Like many other things on the menu it was a little more spendy than it should have been. It was pretty good sized though, and after eating two, fairly sweet shakes we weren't feeling so good. Naomi was pregnant too so in retrospect trying to eat two shakes on an empty stomach was the best idea i've ever had... (it also didn't help the baby really liked the shake and kept kicking while she was trying to eat).

Taste was way good. It was super Oreo-y throughout and using cookies and cream ice-cream helped instead of the Oreos with vanilla ice-cream and earned a 4.5!

Next up the Oreo malt. It was made from the Oreo Malt Madness ice-cream.

It had a pretty similar texture and like it's brother was made for a straw not a spoon. It got a 2 as well.

The price tag was also the same leaving it with a 2.

Presentation was about the same too with nothing really out of the ordinary. It was also given a 3 out of 5.

Taste however was slightly different with a 4 out of 5. It didn't have the distinct Oreo flavor that we were looking for. As a side note it was a lot more chocolatey and because of that I actually liked it more, but this is an Oreo shake quest not a chocolate shake quest.

The final scores are:

Oreo cookies and cream shake
Oreo malt
Presentation - 3
Presentation - 3
Price - 2
Price - 2
Taste - 4.5
Taste - 4
Texture - 2
Texture - 2
2.875                 -               Overall             -             2.75

With a Baskin Robbins in every town I'm sure some of our readers have stepped inside this fine establishment. And, maybe even ordered a shake or two. Comment and let us know if our assessment is realistic, or if you had a different experience. 

Also see where these shakes fall on our master list.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Burger King

One of the first places we thought of was Burger King, because ... it's Burger King. We decided to try their Oreo shake and see what we thought!

It's presentation was alright. Unlike the picture taken from the internet on the left our shake didn't come with what looks like chocolate sauce, but with whipped cream it did alright. Giving it a 3 out of 5.

Texture wasn't super impressive, but as far as drinkable shakes go it did pretty well. Make no mistake, don't expect to use a spoon. It got a 3.5.

Taste similarly was alright. It definitely didn't have chunks, but was Oreo-y all the way through. I will say it had a really strong vanilla flavor too. It also got a 3.5 in this area.

Price made the difference. It was totally worth it when you factor in the small price tag. It's definitely not the best shake around and most aspects are fairly mediocre, but it's worth it. If you're lookin' for the best bang for your buck look no further than your local Burger King. It ended up with a 5.

Presentation - 3
Price - 5
Taste - 3.5
Texture - 3.5
Overall - 3.75

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Apollo Burger

Back when we were living in Riverton we made a list of the places around town to go to get an Oreo shake, and Apollo Burger was on the top. The first one our ancient greek themed leg of the Oreo shake quest. Your next Atlantis Burger and Olympus Burger.

It was super fancy. I can't speak for all of the locations, but the one in Draper is classy as all get out... Well, for fast food...

anyways, when it came to the shake:

Presentation was legit for a chain fast-food restaurant. We gave it a 4.5.

Price wasn't too bad. Similar to the rest of the food it was pretty reasonably priced, and pretty good for what you paid. It ended up with a 4.

Taste was above average too. We gave it a 3.5.

Texture was pretty good, giving it a 4 out of 5.

The final totals are:

Presentation - 4.5
Price - 4
Taste - 3.5
Texture - 4
Overall - 4

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Iceberg Drive Inn

Iceberg Drive Inn was one of our first stops. But because we didn't start out very scientific, we decided to go there a second time and instead of giving them one overall rating scored em in our separate categories!

We have both been there a few times and were exited to go there again! Since we'd been there before we kinda knew what to expect.

Presentation wasn't amazing or anything. But it is a drive-in so we didn't expect to be wowed. They were in cool stripped cups with the shake over the rim, so that does count for something. We gave them a 3.

Price was pretty good especially for what you got. They were huge!!! We got the smallest size and still had to share. Don't expect to finish it if you've ordered any other food. We gave it a 4.

Taste was amazing. It got a 5. It was super Oreo-y and worth a try! If you're lookin' for a good tastin' shake this is the place. .

Texture was pretty impressive too. As you can see from the picture to the left. (that I got from the internet). They stand up above the rim on their own, they're super thick. They ended up with a 4.5.

Overall We really liked the shake. The food and the atmosphere of the restaurant were pretty good too. Definitely worth a try. As a side not they have a nutella shake that is amazing! Seriously, best thing ever. That is all.

Presentation - 3
Price - 4
Taste - 5
Texture - 4.5
Overall - 4.125

Let us know what you think. As scientific as this seems it's mostly just our opinion... so let us know yours!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Big Jim's Drive In

One of the first times we decided to make the trek from Utah to Oregon we decided to quest in The Dalles!

We looked at where we were stopping and scoped out a sort of hole-in-the-wall drive in called Big Jim's. They looked like they had an Oreo Shake, so we were there!

Presentation was pretty bad. We gave it a 2.

Price got a 3. It was pretty reasonable for what you got.

Taste was definitely the shake's best quality earning it a 4.

Texture however could have definitely been improved upon. It scored a 2.

Presentation - 2
Price - 3
Taste - 4
Texture - 2
Overall - 2.75

I would've written more, but honestly I can't remember a lot about the shake. I guess that's what havin' over 70 shakes does to you...

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Black Bear Diner

So, we planned a trip out to Orem/Provo the other day. Among other things we were gonna go to Zeek's with my brother and his wife! We were pretty exited! My sister-in-law Renee works there and had been wanting us to try their Oreo pie shake. (Brian also suggested going there too).

To our dismay Renee found out shortly before we were gonna go that they were closed. I guess they've been remodeling and it's taking longer than they planned... So we decided to take our quest elsewhere and settled on going to Black Bear Diner because they had a location in Orem!

They've been on our list for months, but we didn't realize they had a diner in Orem, so off we went. We got there before my brother and his wife so we got a table while we waited. They gave us some menus, which were pretty fun because they looked like old timey newspapers on the outside, but on the inside the had all the menu info. Which was good because Naomi's dad said he wanted us to bring back a menu for him and I thought we'd hafta steal a fancy one...

Brice and Renee were caught in traffic, so it took them a little longer to get there so, we decided to  order their Oreo shake...         As an appetizer...                     Cause we're adults...

The happy couple showed up, so we sat down to order. They serve breakfast all day so naturally me and Naomi had breakfast for diner. I got the Eggs Benedict with bacon and avocado and it was super good. They have pretty good hollandaise sauce which is a big plus!

Brice and Renee ordered a chocolate Oreo shake with their meal. Which was actually just them asking our server if he could make them a shake that's just their Oreo and chocolate shakes.
Back to the shake though... Opposite of California Burgers and Deli we got our shake first by itself, so we had some time to critically, you know, rate it.

Here's our take on the shake:

To start off the milkshake had the best presentation to date! It made a lot of other shakes look bad with its fancy glass, whipped cream, cherry-on-top, crush Oreos, and chocolate syrup. The bar is pretty high now. Because the presentation exceeded our wildest expectations we decided to give it a 5.5 out of 5! You heard us right, better than full marks!

We had to ask about price, because it wasn't even on their menu. For some reason they decided not to put any desserts on their menu... They just had a little blurb about how they have desserts... Anyways it was $4.99 for the shake, so a little on the pricy side. That being said it was pretty big and actually had quite a bit of shake in the leftover shake cup which is customary at fancy establishments. It ended up with a 3 out of 5.

Taste was pretty good. Evenly mixed and Oreo-y throughout. It had a fairly good Oreo flavor, but because it was kinda watery we gave it a 4.

Lastly is texture. The shake didn't fare so well in this category. Opposite of Jack in the Box it was too thin to eat with a spoon. Luckily we also got straws. Which wasn't the case for Brice and Renee who had to ask because the just got a spoon... The shake didn't have a great consistency either so it ended up with a 2.

the shakes total score came out to be:

Presentation - 5.5

Price - 3

Taste - 4

Texture - 2

Overall - 3.625

Make sure to find out where Black Bear's Oreo shake falls in the list, and let us know if you've been to this fine establishments various locations throughout Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Utah.

Comment and let us know!

Friday, January 15, 2016

One Man Band Diner

One day we were actually looking for a different shake place, but couldn't find it and would up by
One Man Band Diner! We figured they'd have shakes so we popped in for lunch.

It turns out the place is famous! Appearantly some film staring Danny Glover was shot there. I'm sure it was because of the 50's vibe. Seriously it was a pretty cool ambiance. After settling into our booth, we ordered our food alongside our Oreo shake and waited for the fun to begin.

They brought the shake out in a fancy glass cup with the extra shake in a metal cup. I was pretty impressed with the presentation. Aside from being in a nice glass, it had whipped cream and a cherry on top! It looked super nice so we gave it a 4.5.

Price was pretty good too. I wouldn't suggest getting the shake alone though. Especially with the added shake in the metal cup it was a lot. We gave it 4.5 for the price too.

Taste was pretty good with Oreo throughout. It ended up with a 4.

As for texture it was one of the best! It had plenty of chunks and was definitely made to eat with a spoon! We gave it a perfect 5.

The culmination was:

Presentation - 4.5
Price - 4.5
Taste - 4
Texture - 5
Overall - 4.5

Make sure to take a look at the other 3 shake place OMBD is tied for first with and where everyone else falls on the list.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

California Burgers and Deli

Ever since we moved to this part of town we wanted to stop by California Burgers and Deli. Not only for their Oreo shake because it's a somewhat random combination of a burger place and a deli. Two things that I like, but I've never seen them both together ...

This unlikely pairing was summed up in the California Burger. A hamburger with bacon and pastrami. Naturally both me and my wife ordered one. On top of that we ordered fries and their Oreo shake.

 We saw something that we had to get! An Oreo churro! We've heard rumors and have been wanting to try one for a log time now, but this is the first place we found that has em! The were pretty expensive at $2 a pop but we couldn't resist, it was worth a try!

We were the only ones at the Burger Joint/Deli but it was pretty understandable because it was before 5 ... Which is even early by our standard. But when I have to work at 7am and we end up eating breakfast at 6:30am it bumps up all of our meals ...

After we ordered our food and sat down they brought it out to us. That's true that there weren't
any other customers to attend to, but it made us feel important and it was a nice touch! They did however bring everything out except for our shake. Which was interesting because it's usually the first thing done. We figured they may just be waiting to give it to us at the end.

We started off with the signature burgers, and boy were they good. I'm sure it helped that we were super hungry, but the combination of bacon and pastrami was super good! It was kinda messy, but totally worth it! In addition their fry sauce is out of this world. Even for Naomi whose lived in Utah most her life around fry sauce it was good! Their fries were also pretty good too. Not to crispy, overdone, or undercooked.

As for the Oreo churro it was super good. It came with its own dip which was straight up just cream filling! The churros was super good and with the cream dip it was amazing! We had some left over cream dip, so we mixed it into the shake. It didn't really mix easily but it was super good. Even with how good it was, I don't think it was worth the two bucks we spent for one churro. It was definitely worth a try but that's about it. Which is probably good because with it being so close to our house we would probably go there and get Oreo churros every day ...

Now that I've spent 6 paragraphs on the restaurant, I should probably mention the Oreo shake ...

To start off with Price, we were way surprised to see it was only $3 for their shakes. Even more so when we saw how big it was. It was definitely the cheapest shake we've seen in a while! We gave it a perfect 5 out of 5.

Presentation was definitely nothing to be impressed by. It was in a cup ... with a lip ... and that's about it. The cup didn't even have a generic design or advertise for Coke. It got a 1.

Texture did better. Slightly better. It got a 1.5 because it was pretty watery and thin. It was definitely made to drink through a straw (like those super thin ones for coffee or hot chocolate). I think the soft serve base really killed the texture ....

Taste was a similar story with the watery-ness of the shake making it vaguely taste like Oreos. It could have been worse though. It received a 2.5 out of 5.

All in all I would recommend going there, just not to get their shake. I would definitely eat there again, but that's the first and last time we get their Oreo shake.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Sammy's has long since closed, but back in the day we swung by to sample an Oreo pie shake! My band Crazy Old Maurice was playing for the second time in Rexburg at Sammy's and for coming to play they give you your choice of shake. It's kinda a consolation prize after driving over 4 hours, but it was worth it. Not only was it a fun place to play, but it's home of some of the most dedicated fans on the face of the earth. Seriously, we sold a bunch of CD's the first time we came and when we came back in a few months they knew all the words and were singing along! And they bought a lot of our shirts!
Anyways, you're not reading this to listen to me talk about playing music in Rexburg, so on to the restaurant ... and then the shake.

Well, Naomi's never really liked going there, but since we were already there we had their shake. She mostly didn't like Sammy's on principle because she hated the service. Although I'm not as passionate about it she did make a good point. We've gone to the Sammy's in Provo too, and had even worse customer service ...

To start out they forgot to let us know our shake was ready, so but the time we got it with our food it was pretty melted (this isn't a picture of the shake we got, it was stolen off the internet because we forgot to take a picture. It was not nearly as nice looking ...). This definitely didn't help its texture score. Other than being super melty, it was relatively thick. It was made to drink through a straw, but I think even if we got it fresh it wouldn't have met our standards. We gave it a 1 for the attempt ...

The taste did a little bit better with a 2, but even though it was a pie shake it was very Oreo-y. Also, we were pretty jaded because the employees were kinda rude ...

Price was free for us, but based on what it would normally be we gave it a 2 because it was definitely on the pricy side.

As for presentation they did an alight job, but tripped over the finish line. It was nice with the whipped cream, but because it had been left out for a while the whipped cream was dropping and running over the sides. It ended up with a 2 as well.

The total came out to be:

Presentation - 2
Price - 2
Taste - 2
Texture - 1
Overall - 1.75

If you've ever been to Sammy's or have any opinions on the matter let us know! Also, this is one of our long list of over 60 Oreo shakes that we've had.

Thursday, January 7, 2016


When we were planning our trip to Oregon for the holiday season, we mentioned our continuation of this quest. My dad had the great idea of making our own Oreo shakes and see how good we could do. We agreed, and when we came down we headed to a couple store where my dad had found sales on Tillamok ice-cream and Oreos. We got Vanilla and Cookies and Cream ice-cream and double-stuf, peanut-butter, and chocolate Oreos! We also had some extra whipped cream as well as strawberry, carmel, mint chocolate and chocolate hazelnut syrup from my brother's wedding (the waffle bar that is). We also had some left over heavy cream from my sister-in-law's french toast casserole for Christmas morning! This was either gonna be the best shake experience to date, or we would go into a sugar coma and get diabetes. It was worth the risk so we started blending!

I started out by making us a by making an Oreo shake consisting of:

Chocolate Oreos
Cookies and Cream ice-cream
Chocolate Hazelnut syrup
Heavy Cream
2% milk

Excluding the numbers I thought I'd take a stab at judging it.

For price it ended up being kinda expensive for a shake with all of the Oreos and ice-cream we bought. That being said we got a lot of the ingredients for free so it wasn't too bad considering. Seeing as my whole family had multiple shakes (and maybe some Oreos on the side) it wasn't too bad for all of the ingredients.

Presentation was pretty good. We forgot to get some maraschino cherries to put on top, but with the whipped cream on top it looked pretty nice.

Taste was the best I've had! It wasn't a traditional Oreo shake by any stretch of the imagination, but it was amazing! I'll go into detail of why it was so good good in my eyes in a little bit.

Here's what I did:

1. I started with a Cookies and Cream ice-cream base which gave it a nice flavor right off the bat.

2. I added some milk, but most importantly lots of heavy cream. This shake wasn't gonna win any nutrition awards, but the cream gave it a nice full, smooth flavor. It was silky smooth, and although the overall texture was still pretty poor, it definitely wasn't watery!

3. I blended some Chocolate (why not right...) Oreos thoroughly, giving it a rich Oreo flavor throughout.

4. I then broke up some Oreos and added more ice-cream, and mixed it by hand. This gave it lots of chunks and really added to it's over all Oreo flavor. It helped with the texture, because from my experience, you just can't make a chunky, thick milkshake in a blender. But I knew this going in, so I did my best to give it chunks and make it thick.

5. Finally I poured it into the cups (we used tiny ones so we could have more shakes!) and enjoyed!

So, like I said, texture wasn't ideal. It probably could've been drunk through a straw if it wasn't for all of the chunks. The pieces of Oreo did really add to the texture, and without it i'm sure it would've suffered.

Next my wife decided we should make a traditional "Oreo shake" with vanilla and original "double-stuffed" Oreos. I followed the same procedure as with the first and it turned out pretty good. Maybe not the best Oreo shake we've had, but probably the best tasting. Especially with the heavy cream!

We were sugared out by the end of the second shake, but the next day me and my dad made some more. It was great to spend time as a family doing what we do best, enjoying freshly made Oreo shakes!

Let us know how you make shakes? Be sure to comment and let us know! Also check out our list of the 69 and counting Oreo shakes we've had so far.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Jack in the Box

Growing up in Oregon I used to frequent Jack in the Box, a Carls Jr. type burger joint. So, once we had decided to incorporate the shake quest into our Oregon vacation my first thought was stoppin' by Jack in the Box for their Oreo shake. and when

I got their tacos for 2 for a dollar. yes, their tacos. Although they are a burger and fries joint they also sell tacos. They don't have any other Mexican food, but they've got tacos. Cheap tacos. They're not great, but when you're paying 50 cents for one you can't raise the bar too high.

After Christmas we decided to visit the outlet malls in Woodburn and get some shoes for me and a purse for Naomi (we actually just ended up buying a bunch of baby clothes). But it was lunch time so we had to decide where to go. Luckily there was a Jack In the Box close, so we were able to work in our quest!

Once they handed us the Oreo shake through the drive-thru window we were impressed. Not only was it covered with whipped cream, but there was a cherry on top. This was definitely the best looking fast-food shake! We gave it a 5 out of 5 for the impressive presentation!

The texture was alright, but i'd definitely say you should get a spoon if you order their shake. I almost gave myself a hernia trying to suck the Oreo chunks through the small straw. With the stipulation that you need a spoon it wasn't too shabby in the texture department, giving it a 3.

The larger of the sizes came up to about 4 bucks, and without sales tax it was a pretty good deal for what you got. You need to be hungry or willing to share to finish this puppy off, and its definitely dressed to impress. It got a 4.5 out of 5.

The taste was ... okay. It wasn't super vanilla-y, but the Oreo flavor seemed somewhat overwhelmed by the ice-cream. With that being said it's worth a try. It scored 3 out of 5.

The final tally was:

Presentation - 5
Price - 4.5
Taste - 3
Texture - 3.5
Overall - 4

Don't forget to see how Jack in the Box fares against it's competitors in the list. Also, if you've been to Jack in the Box or just have something to say just comment at the bottom! Seriously, we don't bite.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Nancy's Burgers

One day while we were in Oregon we were out and about around lunch time.  We decided that it was shake time.  We searched for a burger place and found Nancy's Burgers not too far away.  We stopped by there and hoped they had shakes.  They didn't have Oreo but they had a vanilla and you could add in Oreo pieces (pretty much the same thing, right?).  We ordered two burgers, a side of fries (regular size) and a shake.

The food was pretty good.  The burgers were big and juicy, but the fries were where it was at.  They were thick and cooked nicely and abundant.  The regular size definitely serves two very hungry people (we couldn't finish them all).
They even had fry sauce.  Yum!

Now on to the shake!
The shake was $3.95 + .25 for the Oreo mix-in.  We waited excitedly for the shake to arrive.

 First impression: disappointing.
Is this a soda or a shake?

The presentation was pathetic to say the least.  There was no presentation at all.  Never having seen a shake try so little we gave it a 1 out of 5.

The price wasn't too great because it was kind of small and the mix-in cost more.  We gave it a 2.5 out of 5.

The texture, sadly, was thin.  2 out of 5 again!
Check out this weirdly bent spoon!

Lastly, the taste wasn't that great either.  2 out of 5 because it wasn't very Oreo-y.

The total ended up being 1.875, one of the lowest scores yet.  Sad day!
Check out all the fries!!

So folks of the greater Salem/Keizer area, get some burgers and fries at Nancy's but skip the shake!  You'll thank me later.

The rundown:
Presentation -1
Price - 2.5
Taste - 2
Texture - 2

Grand total: 1.875

And remember we've eaten a ridiculous amount of shakes and you can always check out the master list here.