Thursday, January 7, 2016


When we were planning our trip to Oregon for the holiday season, we mentioned our continuation of this quest. My dad had the great idea of making our own Oreo shakes and see how good we could do. We agreed, and when we came down we headed to a couple store where my dad had found sales on Tillamok ice-cream and Oreos. We got Vanilla and Cookies and Cream ice-cream and double-stuf, peanut-butter, and chocolate Oreos! We also had some extra whipped cream as well as strawberry, carmel, mint chocolate and chocolate hazelnut syrup from my brother's wedding (the waffle bar that is). We also had some left over heavy cream from my sister-in-law's french toast casserole for Christmas morning! This was either gonna be the best shake experience to date, or we would go into a sugar coma and get diabetes. It was worth the risk so we started blending!

I started out by making us a by making an Oreo shake consisting of:

Chocolate Oreos
Cookies and Cream ice-cream
Chocolate Hazelnut syrup
Heavy Cream
2% milk

Excluding the numbers I thought I'd take a stab at judging it.

For price it ended up being kinda expensive for a shake with all of the Oreos and ice-cream we bought. That being said we got a lot of the ingredients for free so it wasn't too bad considering. Seeing as my whole family had multiple shakes (and maybe some Oreos on the side) it wasn't too bad for all of the ingredients.

Presentation was pretty good. We forgot to get some maraschino cherries to put on top, but with the whipped cream on top it looked pretty nice.

Taste was the best I've had! It wasn't a traditional Oreo shake by any stretch of the imagination, but it was amazing! I'll go into detail of why it was so good good in my eyes in a little bit.

Here's what I did:

1. I started with a Cookies and Cream ice-cream base which gave it a nice flavor right off the bat.

2. I added some milk, but most importantly lots of heavy cream. This shake wasn't gonna win any nutrition awards, but the cream gave it a nice full, smooth flavor. It was silky smooth, and although the overall texture was still pretty poor, it definitely wasn't watery!

3. I blended some Chocolate (why not right...) Oreos thoroughly, giving it a rich Oreo flavor throughout.

4. I then broke up some Oreos and added more ice-cream, and mixed it by hand. This gave it lots of chunks and really added to it's over all Oreo flavor. It helped with the texture, because from my experience, you just can't make a chunky, thick milkshake in a blender. But I knew this going in, so I did my best to give it chunks and make it thick.

5. Finally I poured it into the cups (we used tiny ones so we could have more shakes!) and enjoyed!

So, like I said, texture wasn't ideal. It probably could've been drunk through a straw if it wasn't for all of the chunks. The pieces of Oreo did really add to the texture, and without it i'm sure it would've suffered.

Next my wife decided we should make a traditional "Oreo shake" with vanilla and original "double-stuffed" Oreos. I followed the same procedure as with the first and it turned out pretty good. Maybe not the best Oreo shake we've had, but probably the best tasting. Especially with the heavy cream!

We were sugared out by the end of the second shake, but the next day me and my dad made some more. It was great to spend time as a family doing what we do best, enjoying freshly made Oreo shakes!

Let us know how you make shakes? Be sure to comment and let us know! Also check out our list of the 69 and counting Oreo shakes we've had so far.

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