Sunday, January 10, 2016


Sammy's has long since closed, but back in the day we swung by to sample an Oreo pie shake! My band Crazy Old Maurice was playing for the second time in Rexburg at Sammy's and for coming to play they give you your choice of shake. It's kinda a consolation prize after driving over 4 hours, but it was worth it. Not only was it a fun place to play, but it's home of some of the most dedicated fans on the face of the earth. Seriously, we sold a bunch of CD's the first time we came and when we came back in a few months they knew all the words and were singing along! And they bought a lot of our shirts!
Anyways, you're not reading this to listen to me talk about playing music in Rexburg, so on to the restaurant ... and then the shake.

Well, Naomi's never really liked going there, but since we were already there we had their shake. She mostly didn't like Sammy's on principle because she hated the service. Although I'm not as passionate about it she did make a good point. We've gone to the Sammy's in Provo too, and had even worse customer service ...

To start out they forgot to let us know our shake was ready, so but the time we got it with our food it was pretty melted (this isn't a picture of the shake we got, it was stolen off the internet because we forgot to take a picture. It was not nearly as nice looking ...). This definitely didn't help its texture score. Other than being super melty, it was relatively thick. It was made to drink through a straw, but I think even if we got it fresh it wouldn't have met our standards. We gave it a 1 for the attempt ...

The taste did a little bit better with a 2, but even though it was a pie shake it was very Oreo-y. Also, we were pretty jaded because the employees were kinda rude ...

Price was free for us, but based on what it would normally be we gave it a 2 because it was definitely on the pricy side.

As for presentation they did an alight job, but tripped over the finish line. It was nice with the whipped cream, but because it had been left out for a while the whipped cream was dropping and running over the sides. It ended up with a 2 as well.

The total came out to be:

Presentation - 2
Price - 2
Taste - 2
Texture - 1
Overall - 1.75

If you've ever been to Sammy's or have any opinions on the matter let us know! Also, this is one of our long list of over 60 Oreo shakes that we've had.

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