Sunday, January 31, 2016

S.O.S. Drug Store

We make a habit of asking pretty much anyone who will listen where the best shakes around are if we  happen to tell them about our quest. One of these people was my roommate Jordan. He suggested this hole-in-the wall pharmacy. Yeah you heard me right pharmacy... We had to check it out.

In the midst of downtown Springville, nestled in between a couple other stores was S.O.S Drug Store. But seriously, we almost missed it, it was so inconspicuous...

This place was awesome. I almost want to move to Springville just to give me an excuse to frequent this place. It had an awesome old-timey feel complete with swivel bar stools at a 50's-esque counter. It was strait out of a period film with it's Coca Cola memorabilia and old photographs.

They didn't have Oreo, but we figured cookies and cream was close enough. Some times the name brand isn't all that important.

The shake was nothing special in the presentation arena. It didn't even have a fancy-ish cup. Although it's not pictured here (I just found a picture of a shake from S.O.S) it looks pretty much the same. Because of this it scored a 2.5.

Texture wasn't amazing but it was a thin spoon shake. Probably too much for a straw, but it still wasn't anything impressive. It got a 3.5.

Taste was better landing it with a 4. I'd definitely chalk it up to using cookies and cream ice cream rather than vanilla. Just sayin'...

But the price knocked all the other shakes out of the water! At $2.25 it was definitely worth it. It was an averaged sized shake, and I can't remember, but I don't think it came in different sizes. Naturally it scored a 5.5. If you want the best bang for your buck, this is the place!

Let us know if there are any other pharmacies or gas stations that have awesome Oreo shakes. Also, check out our master list and reorganize the columns for price, or whatever category and see what's near you.

Presentation - 2.5
Price - 5.5
Taste - 4
Texture - 3.5
Overall - 3.875

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