Saturday, January 2, 2016

Nancy's Burgers

One day while we were in Oregon we were out and about around lunch time.  We decided that it was shake time.  We searched for a burger place and found Nancy's Burgers not too far away.  We stopped by there and hoped they had shakes.  They didn't have Oreo but they had a vanilla and you could add in Oreo pieces (pretty much the same thing, right?).  We ordered two burgers, a side of fries (regular size) and a shake.

The food was pretty good.  The burgers were big and juicy, but the fries were where it was at.  They were thick and cooked nicely and abundant.  The regular size definitely serves two very hungry people (we couldn't finish them all).
They even had fry sauce.  Yum!

Now on to the shake!
The shake was $3.95 + .25 for the Oreo mix-in.  We waited excitedly for the shake to arrive.

 First impression: disappointing.
Is this a soda or a shake?

The presentation was pathetic to say the least.  There was no presentation at all.  Never having seen a shake try so little we gave it a 1 out of 5.

The price wasn't too great because it was kind of small and the mix-in cost more.  We gave it a 2.5 out of 5.

The texture, sadly, was thin.  2 out of 5 again!
Check out this weirdly bent spoon!

Lastly, the taste wasn't that great either.  2 out of 5 because it wasn't very Oreo-y.

The total ended up being 1.875, one of the lowest scores yet.  Sad day!
Check out all the fries!!

So folks of the greater Salem/Keizer area, get some burgers and fries at Nancy's but skip the shake!  You'll thank me later.

The rundown:
Presentation -1
Price - 2.5
Taste - 2
Texture - 2

Grand total: 1.875

And remember we've eaten a ridiculous amount of shakes and you can always check out the master list here.

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