Thursday, November 5, 2015

Chedda Burger

So we heard about Chedda Burger via Facebook and were intrigued.  A new burger place?  With shakes?  We had to try it.  We cleared our very "busy" schedules to try it out on the day they opened.

I went in to get the food while Shawn stayed with our newborn in the car.  There were several people there and they looked excited to be there.  That was a good sign.  However, the interior of the store looked like JDawgs in Provo so that was kind of weird.

I ordered some burgers, chedda tots and two shakes.  The menu said they had a mint Oreo shake, but I asked nicely and they made me a regular Oreo shake.  (I really don't know what is with people and mint flavored things ... it all tastes like toothpaste to me.)
Our haul.
It was our 60th Oreo shake too which is kinda awesome! Not gonna lie, If we tried to do this in a week, or even a few months we'd probably both have diabetes... But it's it's been over two years and we still have over 20 shake places we still have yet to go to on our list though.

My first impression of the shake was not too bad.  They put a bit of whipped cream on the top and had a giant straw so that was fun.  We gave them 4 out of 5.  The shake was a little messy, I had to wipe off the sides before I could take them out to the car.

The price wasn't that great.  The Oreo shake was a pie shake so it was more expensive.  $5 and it wasn't that big.  We gave it 2.5 out of 5.

The texture we also gave 2.5 out of 5.  There were some chunks throughout, but it was pretty thin.  Nick (the owner) said that he isn't happy with the thickness and is working on making it thicker.  I told him we will come back to try it again when he is happy with the shake.

The taste was amazing though.  We gave it a 5 out of 5.  It was sweet and Oreo-y and we loved it.  After just a few bites we knew the taste made this a good shake.
The shakes looked so yummy we had to try them before we got home.

The final score was:
Presentation - 4
Price - 2.5
Taste - 5
Texture - 2.5

The final total is - 3.5

Check out our full list to see where this sits on 
the list of all the Oreo shakes we've had.

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