Friday, November 20, 2015

Nielsen's Frozen Custard

Yesterday we stopped by Nielsen's Frozen Custard. My good friend Kelsey recommended this place and one of her favorites. She said her and her husband would frequent it when she lived here in Salt Lake. With that it was on our list and we made plans to visit the diner (we actually didn't realize it was a diner, with a name like Nielsen's Frozen Custard, we figured that's mostly what they had.)

Their shake was called a "concrete mixer" which I think was a pretty fitting name because it was pretty thick and chunky. That was definitely the best part of it.

Anyways, the shake wasn't super impressive when they handed it to us through our car window. It was simply an Oreo shake in a cup. The cup however did have a nice little design on it. so, for presentation we gave it a 3.

For price we ended up paying more than usual for it and it was pretty small as you can see in the picture. So, this earned it a 1.5. They only had one size too, which was kind of a bummer...

Taste was also poor. It had a strong vanilla ice-cream flavor, which is a great base, but not the flavor one wants when they're getting an Oreo shake. It was however a vanilla concrete mixer with Oreo, so with that consideration it got a 2.5. It's one redeeming quality was that the Oreo chunks, although not really blended in, gave it somewhat of an Oreo flavor.

Texture however, saved this shake in my book. It was pretty thick and not watery at all. It also had lots of big chunks of Oreos giving it a 4.5.

The total score was:

Presentation - 3
Price - 1.5
Taste - 2.5
Texture - 4.5
Overall - 2.875

Check out our full list to see where this sits on the list of all the Oreo shakes we've had.

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