Tuesday, November 24, 2015

I'm Keen on Dairy Keen

The same roommates that introduced me to the yummy-ness that was Pace's Dairy Ann also told me about Dairy Keen.  I wanted to check it out but it was in Heber and we aren't usually out that way.  But one day we found ourselves in Heber and I knew we had to eat at Dairy Keen.  You could say I was keen to go (get it?). We didn't have a lot of spare time so we decided to go through the drive thru. The motto of the restaurant is "Home of the Train" so consequently, the whole place is train themed!  How fun is that??  As you go through the drive thru around the building there are painted lines to look like railroad ties to show you where to drive.

When we got there the place was PACKED!!  I'm assuming it is one of the best places to eat in Heber.  Anyway we got some burgers, fries and of course SHAKES!

The food was pretty good as far as I can remember. (I was eating and driving, see? Hurtling up and down the winding canyon at 50+ mph makes me concentrate pretty
hard ...)  Anyway, no one died and we all got fed so that was great.

Now for the most important part: the Oreo Shake review!!

We ordered the medium for $3.49.  It wasn't a very large shake (it was pretty medium...) for that price we gave it a 2 out of 5.

As far as texture goes it didn't have very many Oreo chunks so it got a 2.5 out of 5.

The taste was better it got 3 out of 5 because it tasted moderately Oreo-y.

The presentation was the best achieving a 4 out of 5 because they put a whole Oreo on top all fancy-like.

The grand total was: 2.87


But on the plus side they had accidentally made a large mint Oreo shake so they gave it to us as well.  We were with Shawn's brother and his fiance so they ate the shake and enjoyed it heartily.

We also didn't get any pictures of the shake (because driving! hel-lo!) but found some nice ones on the internet.  (Thanks internet!)

The rundown:
Presentation - 4
Price - 2
Taste - 3
Texture - 2.5
Overall - 2.87

Check out our full list to see where this shake sits on the list of all the Oreo shakes we've had.

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