Friday, November 27, 2015

Fred's Sports Grill

While alot of us don't frequent Manti, it's home to one of the best shake places around. We visited Fred's Sports Grill (It's a sports grill in that it's a burger place with a TV that plays sports and sports words written on the walls) when we were down in Manti for the Mormon Miracle Padgent with my folks.

It took a couple of drive by's down the road to find the place, and it didn't help that we had a caravan with my family joining us on our quest. We found it though!

It's kinda a hole-in-the wall place. But it's definitely worth a visit! Whenever you're in Manti that is...

My family was down from Oregon, and wanted to go to visit the Manti pageant, so naturally, we looked up shake places in the area. We might as well take a family vacation detour to continue our quest. My parents were more then happy to go along with our milkshake driven suggestion (it definitely helped that there were a bunch of good reviews online for Fred's).

After working it into our schedule we stopped by. My family loved the small-town feel and we ordered a small feast. Seriously, my dad ordered a giant burger with sweet potato fries and what turned out to be an enormous shake (He got Mint Oreo [Sorry Naomi]) and he couldn't finish it all. He had to enlist the help of my brothers (My preteen brother happy to help him finish his shake) to finish it all.  But, that's how my family rolls. Get a lot of different things and if you share you get a little bit of everything.

Me and my wife ordered their Oreo shake, and like I said it was big. I'm glad we only ordered one because we wouldn't have stood a chance and finishing two.

Starting with taste... It topped the list with a perfect 5. It was Oreo-y throughout and its chunks of Oreo gave it a great flavor!

Texture also got high marks with an additional 5 in Fred's score. It was thick and didn't seem to melt after a couple minutes.

Price was great as well! we definitely got the bang-our-buck that we were looking for with the shake. It was pretty reasonably price and huge. We gave it a 5 in this catagory too.

It was perfect...except for the presentation. I'm not saying it was bad at all. It just wasn't exceptional. It was simply a shake in a cup. We gave it a normal 3 out of 5.

The total score was...

Presentation - 3
Price - 5
Taste - 5
Texture - 5

Overall - 4.5

        Check out our full list to see where this shake sits on the list of all the Oreo shakes we've had.

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