Sunday, November 15, 2015


Yesterday we went to Chubby's in Pleasant Grove, and man is PG the place to go for Shakes! Seriously, within walking distance you have Purple Turtle, One Man Band Diner and Chubby's. (Purple Turtle and One Man Band Diner currently being tied for 1st as the best Oreo Shake!)

Chubby's was in an interesting location. It was in a small strip mall type store front next to a hardware store. But, that being said there were tons of people there! The line was almost out the door!! It was the place to be too. Even with competitors a stones throw away it still was packed with customers.

After I got our food, and we got situated in the car an ambulance came and pulled up in front of Chubby's. I'm not sure what happened, but paramedics rushed in and soon a middle-aged man was wheeled out on a stretcher. I hope he's all right! I haven't been able to find any local stories on what happened on the internet through KSL or the Daily Herald. So, if you know where one is please let us know!

We apparently seemed to have parked by the Chubby's-mobile too. This was just part of the view because we stayed in the car with our still newborn. I went in to get the food and the atmosphere was great! It seemed like everyone was happy to be there and all over the place there were random nick-knacks and old-timey decorations.

They don't call it Chubby's for nothing! With huge hamburgers and a liberal amount of sides with every order it was plenty of food for the two of us. I know I barely finished. I had the BBQ burger and it was way good. It wasn't your traditional burger with barbecue sauce.

Once we got our food the contest began!

I've gotta say I was super impressed with the presentation from the get go. With whipped cream and Oreo pieces sprinkled on top it gave it's cohort One Man Band Diner a run for it's money with a score of 5 too.

Although it came with a straw, we couldn't use it until the end. The shake was definitely made to eat with a spoon! It got a 4 for it's great thickness, but didn't get full marks because of its lack of Oreo chunks.

Taste was pretty good with a score of 3.5. But it didn't impress. I wasn't Oreo-y throughout either, there were patch of vanilla ice-cream.

It was somewhat over-priced for what it was, but it was a pretty solid shake. They had a couple sizes to choose from but with the large not being that big but over $4 it wasn't the most affordable shake you could get. It scored a 2.5 out of 5 for price.

To summarize, it got:

Presentation - 5
Price - 2.5
Taste - 3.5
Texture - 4

Overall - 3.75

Not the best Oreo shake we've had, but pretty dang good! I'd wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone. Me and my wife agree that the food was better, but it's definitely worth your time!

Check out our full list to see where this sits on 
the list of all the Oreo shakes we've had.

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